Here it is…the 17 Minute Workout Guide. 8 daily exercises for improved results with the 17 Day Diet.
And, all it takes is just 17 minutes. You CAN get in shape and it can be that easy.
The 17 Minute Workout Guide, when used with the 17 Day Diet and will get you results. Combined, with the 17 Day Diet Challenges, you’ll have all the support, accountability, and the tools you need – guaranteed.
Let me tell you how it works…
You’ll work a typical trouble spot (tummy, thighs, and arms) for 17 minutes each day. This will then help you spot-reduce and spot-tone those areas.
Here’s What You’ll Need for the 17 Minute Workout
1) Light dumbbells and a resistance band: Perform high repetitions with them. Women: Use dumbbells in the 5 to 10 pound range; men, dumbbells in the 15 to 30 pound range.
2) A watch: So that you can time your 17 minutes. You’ll also do some cardio to help release fat from your entire body.
The 17 Minute Workout
I’ve laid out the 17 Minute Workout for you here. When you do this workout six times a week (remember, each workout is only 17 minutes!), along with the 17 Day Diet, you will get faster results and ditch the fat for good!.
Monday: Lower Body Fat Blast
Today, let’s start remodeling your thighs and hips. This is important because it will get the blood circulating to fatty areas. This exercises will also help metabolize and pry off that fat. Just follow the steps below:
Dumbbell Squat
To begin, grasp a weight in each hand.
Begin by holding the weights alongside your body and standing with your feet a comfortable distance apart.
Next, lower your torso until your thighs are just lower than parallel to the floor, and then return to your starting position.
You should continue repeating this exercise for 8 1/2 minutes. For even better results, try to keep constant tension on your thighs and buttocks as you perform this exercise.
When you are just getting started, you may need to take short rest breaks. That is absolutely fine. Listen to your body and go at your own pace.
Walking Dumbbell Lunges
These are an excellent shaping and toning exercise for your thighs and hips.
To begin, hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your arms straight and hold the weights at your sides.
Step forward on your right leg with a large step.
Then, lower your upper body until your right thigh is parallel to the floor.
Do not let your right knee extend beyond your right toe. Your back left leg should be extended, but with a slight bend in the knee.
Repeat this movement with your left leg, lunging forward, one leg right after another.
Continue to step forward in this fashion for a full 81⁄2 minutes.
And, that was 17 minutes!
You’re all done for today – good job!
Tuesday: Belly-Fat Blast
Today, let’s work on your belly fat with resistance training and walking. Let’s annihilate some blubber with a few well-chosen exercises.
The Bicycle Move
Lie on your back on an exercise mat or soft rug. Be sure to keep your lower back pressed as closely to the floor as you can.
Then, clasp your hands lightly behind your head. Next, flex your knees so that they form 45-degree angle to the floor.
You should now lift your shoulders off the floor, bringing your opposite knee (left knee, for example) to your opposite elbow (right elbow, for example), while straightening out the other leg.
Switch legs and elbows, performing the exercise in an alternating fashion.
Repeat this movement in a controlled fashion for about 6 minutes.
Do not do it quickly. Take short breaks (30 to 45 seconds), as your body dictates.
Seated Reverse Crunch
Sit on a chair or a seated workout bench, close to its edge. Next, grasp the sides of the chair with your hands and lean backward slightly.
Bend your knees and tuck them in toward your chest. Then, extend your legs straight out in front of you.
Repeat this move for 6 minutes.
Do not do this exercise quickly. Take short breaks (30 to 45 seconds), as your body dictates.
Floor Crunch
This exercise works the entire abdominal wall, while placing very little pressure on your lower back.
Begin by lying on your back on an exercise mat or a soft rug.
Bend your knees, with your feet flat on the floor. Then, clasp your hands lightly behind your head, and keep your elbows pointing outward.
Next, bring your upper body and shoulders off the floor slightly, using the strength of your abdominal muscles.
Return to the start position and repeat this move for about 5 minutes.
Do not do this exercise quickly. Take short breaks (30 to 45 seconds), as your body dictates.
Tuesday: Cardio
Today, walk outdoors, on a track, or on a treadmill, for 30 to 60 minutes.
You’re done for today!
Wednesday: The Arms Blast
Most men and women I know want to bare their arms, but they’re too embarrassed by the flab. You’ll especially notice flab at the back of your upper arms, otherwise known as the triceps.
Now, you can fix that for good, with this 17-minute workout. Don’t forget, you’ll need a resistance band to perform these exercises.
Biceps Curls
Start the exercise by draping your resistance band on the floor in front of you. Now, step on the band in the middle. If you want more tension (resistance), place your feet wider apart.
Once you’ve selected the best position, grasp the handles in each hand. Point your palms outward.
Now, flex your elbows, and bring the handles up in an arc toward your chest. Keep your arms close to your sides.
Lower slowly and repeat.
Continue the exercise for 81⁄2 minutes.
Do not do it quickly. Take short breaks (30 to 45 seconds), as your body dictates.
Batwing Burn
When the backs of your arms get flabby and flappy, it’s like you have batwings. So let’s spot-reduce and spot-tone them with this resistance band exercise.
Wrap your resistance band around a sturdy object such as a stair railing or any piece of immobile furniture. Then, face the point at which you secured the band and step a few steps back so that there is tension in the band (it should not be loose!).
Next, grasp the handles in each hand and position your feet about shoulder- width apart. Keep your knees slightly bent.
Bend over so that your upper body is just about parallel to the floor and then flex your elbows so that your arms are at your waist.
Now, press your arms back behind you until they are fully extended and your elbow are locked. You should really feel this in your triceps.
Return to the start position. Continue pressing back and forth like this for 81⁄2 minutes.
Do not do it quickly. Take short breaks (30 to 45 seconds), as your body dictates.
Wednesday: Cardio
Today, walk outdoors, on a track, or on a treadmill, for 30 to 60 minutes.
You’re done for today!
Repeat Monday’s Workout.
Repeat Tuesday’s Workout, including the walking routine.
Repeat Wednesday’s Workout, including the walking routine.
The most important part of the 17 minute workout is to – GET STARTED! To make it even easier for you, download the FREE copy of the 17 Minute Workout Guide to take with you anywhere you go!
And…if you’re up for a CHALLENGE that will Motivate You, Inspire You, and most importantly Get You RESULTS, Guaranteed – join the Official 17 Day Diet. You can lose between 10-12 lbs. in just 17 days!
Download your FREE copy of the “17 Minute Workout Guide!”